The modern law office phone system

Deliver a better client experience and stay connected on the go with the best phone system for law firms.

Trusted by over 95,376 small businesses
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Manage clients on the go

Look more credible and professional
Give off a big firm impression, even if it’s just one-man operation, with our virtual receptionist and professional voice studio
Welcome callers professionally: "Thanks for reaching out to [Your Company], press 1 to speak with Jay, 2 to speak with Ryan."
virtual receptionist for law offices
Never miss another important call
Stuck at the court or in a meeting? Set up auto reply by text or forward calls to a colleague so you never miss another important call.
Forward calls or set up auto replies with ease
Get a work number
Separate work and personal by adding a business line to your existing smartphone.
Make calls, send texts and receive them–without giving out your personal number to your clients.
Why lawyers should get a business number
Access and playback call recordings
Instantly record all client calls for documentation, conflict resolution and other purposes - while also remaining compliant with industry regulations.
Access call recordings from your inbox.
call recording for law firms
Collaborate with clients and colleagues
When it’s not practical to meet face to face, host conference calls and connect with multiple clients or colleagues at once.
conference calls for lawyers
Protect client confidentiality
Whether it’s a call, voicemail, text or fax, all your data is safe and secure. We understand how important confidentiality is to you and your clients.
protecting client confidentiality
Work from anywhere, anytime
Whether you’re at the court, office or on the road, stay connected with our mobile apps.
Make, receive and transfer calls, send texts, host conference calls, send and receive faxes, and do much more.
best cloud phone system for law firms
All the features you’ll ever need
Web + mobile apps
Business texting
Call forwarding
Phone extensions
Virtual receptionist
Conference calling
Phone menus
Call recording
Call transfer
Get going in minutes
Pick your number
Select a plan
Pick a plan that works for you.
Download our apps
Download our mobile apps or access iTeleCenter through your browser.
end call
Get started
Configure your settings and start using iTeleCenter.
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People are talking
Love the fact that I can use my business number on my personal cell phone. No need for a separate work phone anymore.
Small business owner
For the price of a pizza, I have a dedicated business phone line on my smartphone where I can call, text, and collaborate with my customers and team on the go.
I'm on the field almost 24/7 and with their texting and auto reply text feature, my prospective buyers can quickly learn more about properties that are in the market.
KW Realty
With iTeleCenter, everything is in one place - phone, fax, SMS, conferencing. Adding lines with company growth was easy as well.
chris jackson
Dale Sorensen
It was extremely easy to setup a business line and get started. The best part - no more dropped calls and their support team was really helpful.
Complete Event Planning
Super fast and easy to get a 1-800 number and expand my business all over the US while sitting here in California.

Frequently asked questions

We're a little biased but hear us out: iTeleCenter isn't just any phone system. You don't need a traditional desk phone setup, maintenance, equipment, IT team or wait for days to fully set up a small law firm phone system.

Setting up iTeleCenter is a breeze. Sign up, choose your free virtual phone number, configure settings and start making calls and texts. Give iTeleCenter a shot and see the difference for yourself!

Whether it's a corporate or family law practice, law firms going for VoIP, need a robust communications setup. It's all about being able to handle client meetings, court appearances, and conference calls with clarity, mobility, and reliability.

No worries, you're not alone. Many of our clients were in the same boat before making the switch to iTeleCenter.

Our concierge team will help you make the transition without any service disruptions. Just give us a call at 1-800-454-5930, or chat with one of our experts. They're here to guide you through the process.

Test drive iTeleCenter today

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