The Best VoIP Phone System for Clinics, Hospitals & Doctors

VoIP phone system for clinics, hospital and doctors

Deliver a better patient experience and streamline communications with the phone system built for healthcare.

Trusted by over 95,376 small businesses
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Designed for healthcare services
Improve patient experience
With virtual receptionist, greet and direct callers to the right staff; answer common questions like office directions and hours.
Moreover, when patients call in, ensure they're quickly connected to the right department or caregiver, ensuring their concerns are handled promptly and with care.
virtual receptionist for businesses
Protect patient data
We take your patients' privacy and data seriously.
That's why we've got top-notch security features throughout our entire platform, ensuring every bit of your data is protected.
HIPAA compliant
Text patients with ease
Send and receive texts with ease. Send appointment reminders, follow up messages, notify internal staff of open shifts, answer common questions, and more.
Text messaging for healthcare, hospital, doctors and clinics
Streamline patient communication
Accommodate high call volume and deliver a better patient experience with features like custom greetings, auto attendant, personalized voicemails and many other advanced features.
Business voicemail
Provide on-the-go care
Make and receive calls and texts, route calls to the right staff or department, send faxes and do much more with iTeleCenter’s web and mobile apps.
Make calls, send texts and more with iTeleCenter’s web and mobile apps
All the features you’ll ever need
Web + mobile apps
Business texting
Call forwarding
Phone extensions
Virtual receptionist
Conference calling
Phone menus
Call recording
Call transfer
Get going in minutes
Pick your number
Select a plan
Pick a plan that works for you.
Download our apps
Download our mobile apps or access iTeleCenter through your browser.
end call
Get started
Configure your settings and start using iTeleCenter.
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People are talking

Love the fact that I can use my business number on my personal cell phone. No need for a separate work phone anymore.
Small business owner
For the price of a pizza, I have a dedicated business phone line on my smartphone where I can call, text, and collaborate with my customers and team on the go.
I'm on the field almost 24/7 and with their texting and auto reply text feature, my prospective buyers can quickly learn more about properties that are in the market.
KW Realty
With iTeleCenter, everything is in one place - phone, fax, SMS, conferencing. Adding lines with company growth was easy as well.
chris jackson
Dale Sorensen
It was extremely easy to setup a business line and get started. The best part - no more dropped calls and their support team was really helpful.
Complete Event Planning
Super fast and easy to get a 1-800 number and expand my business all over the US while sitting here in California.

Frequently asked questions

Doctors love VoIP phone services for their flexibility and convenience. Here are some of their favorite features:

  • The ability to make and receive calls on the go using a mobile app.
  • Advanced voicemail options such as having voicemail transcripts sent directly to their email.
  • Call queuing to manage patient calls more efficiently.
  • An auto attendant feature that allows patients to self-direct their calls.
  • A virtual agent that helps with call queuing and forwarding, making sure calls are routed correctly.

If your healthcare phone service is currently tied to a phone contract, you're not alone. Many of our healthcare clients were in the same boat before making the switch to iTeleCenter.

Our team can help you make the transition over to iTeleCenter. Feel free to give us a call at 1-800-454-5930, and chat with an expert who can guide you through the process.

Test drive iTeleCenter today

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