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Call analytics and reporting

Monitor and track all your calls with call analytics. View detailed reports about call duration, history, speed of answer, and more in seconds.

Trusted by over 95,376 small businesses

Know at a glance

Keep an eye on the metrics
Monitor all the important call metrics like average answer time, number of incoming calls, call duration, number of missed calls, and more.
Monitor performance
How long do your employees spend on a phone call? Who is attending calls after hours? See who’s having solid conversations and handling things efficiently.
Improve customer experiences
Gain data and insights to build the ultimate experience for your customers.
Export your data
Save your call reports with one click in a number of popular, usable formats, including .DOC, .CSV, and .PDF.
People are talking
From tracking call volumes to analyzing call duration and outcomes, we've been able to get more detailed insights and make more informed decisions.
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Alyssa Martins
Head of Sales at ExpertHiring
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Frequently asked questions

Some popular call tracking metrics are,

- Number of incoming calls

  • - Number of outgoing calls
  • - Handle time
  • - Speed of answer
  • - Call duration
  • - Abandonment

Absolutely. Once you’verun a report, you can download a .CSV .DOC .PDF copy of the report.

You can learn valuable information from your call reports that can help inform business decisions.

For example, are your users answering or letting it go for voicemail? How many sales opportunities are you missing after hours, etc. Reports can help you provide better customer service and improve your business performance.

Use iTeleCenter on any device you want—smartphone, computer or tablet.

Find out what iTeleCenter can do for your business