800 phone numbers

Give your business a national presence with 800 numbers.

Trusted by over 95,376 small businesses
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Reach customers everywhere
Look more established
Back in the day, only large corporations or major brands used toll free numbers.
Today, even small startups and business owners can easily set up a new toll-free 800 phone number and look like a big player.
Look more credible with 800 phone numbers
Work from anywhere
Never miss a call. Since virtual 800 numbers are not directly tied to a specific phone, you can essentially work from anywhere in the world If you have an internet connection.
Work from anywhere
It’s free for your callers
Toll-free calls won't cost your callers a dime.
So, whether you're running a campaign or want people from different places to call you, you can use a single toll-free number instead of juggling a bunch of local ones.
Customers call for free
Separate work and personal
2 numbers, 1 phone. Always know who’s calling and answer your business calls quickly and professionally while keeping your personal number private.
Two numbers on one phone
Measure effectiveness of campaigns
Using a dedicated 800 toll-free number per marketing channel, website, print, PPC advertising, and radio will help you pinpoint the most effective strategies to generate the best results for your business.
Dedicated 800 toll free number for advertising
Get going in minutes
Pick your number
Choose an 800 area code phone number or transfer your existing number over to us.
Select a plan
3 plans – choose a plan that works for you.
Download our apps
Download our mobile apps or access iTeleCenter through the web.
end call
Good to go
Configure your settings and start making calls and texts.
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Features built for businesses

Web + mobile apps
Business texting
Call forwarding
Phone extensions
Virtual receptionist
Conference calling
Phone menus
Call recording
Call transfer
People are talking
I love that all of my calls, texts and notes are automatically logged and the chrome extension is a real time saver.
Head of Product at
COA Network
Power dialer with text drop and click-to-dial helps my reps call 100's of contacts with ease!
Head of Sales at Hireify
I love that all of my calls, texts and notes are automatically logged and the chrome extension is a real time saver.
Sales Manager at
I’m able to seamlessly manage all my calls, texts, leads and more all in one place.
chris jackson
Chris Jackson
Real estate agent at
After speaking with 4 or 5 vendors, this was the only system that met all of my sales teams needs.
Lead Recruiter at B&N
We're able to make 300% more calls and texts. No more dropped calls and their power dialer is such a gamer changer.
Recruitment Manager at ExpertHiring

Frequently asked questions

800 numbers are toll-free phone numbers that begin with the 800 prefix. You could also choose other toll free numbers with the prefixes - 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 or 888.

Numbers with the prefix 800 are considered premium toll-free numbers and they are not as readily available as other numbers. Luckily, we've got our hands on a limited supply of true 1-800 numbers for sale.

Yes. Buy 800 phone number online with iTeleCenter. Choose from 888, 877, 866, 855, 844 and 833 area codes. If you need help choosing purchasing an 800 number, reach us at (800) 454-5930 or contact our support team.

Toll-free 800 numbers for business are cheap, and you can forward calls and texts to any cell phone. Just sign up with us, get an 800 number and ring it to any of your existing cell phones.

With a business 1 800 phone number, you can separate business from personal, work from anywhere, get access to tons of features, and control everything from one central hub.

We’ve got tons of 800 numbers for sale. Get cheap 800 numbers with iTeleCenter. View pricing and plans

Of course. iTeleCenter supports 800 text messaging Send and receive text messages about appointments confirmations, updates, specials and so on.

You get a local or 1 800 number for free when you sign up for a toll free number service for small business like iTeleCenter. To get started, use our 800 number lookup tool and search for numbers.

Yes. After you’ve signed up and activated one number, you can easily add as many numbers as you need.

Often, businesses opt for both a toll-free number and a local number to project a local business presence. 800 numbers for small business are a highly searched term for a reason.

You own it 100%. Under the FCC rules, the 800 toll-free phone number legally belongs to you.

Get an 800 phone number today

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