Customer Testimonials

"Every call to my business is routed through iTeleCenter. I love this service! It has done wonders for my business and gives me peace of mind, knowing that I'll never miss a call."
-- Robby Bennett, Co-founder of Website 2Day Design Lab
"iTeleCenter is a very professional, very reasonably priced business phone solution."
-- David Weingardt, Owner, Straightline Improvements Corp.
"iTeleCenter is an inexpensive way to retain customers. It also organizes my business information in one area that is easy for my customers to use."
-- Karen Bement, President, Premiere Health and Beauty, LLC
"iTeleCenter gives me the freedom to delegate calls by forwarding them to my employees. The mobile app let’s me keep track of the calls anytime."
-- Leo Candido, Owner, Savassi Cleaning & Building Maintenance, LLC
"I frequently recommend iTeleCenter and tout the system’s portability and its ability to make outbound sales calls. It’s a great service, and I don’t have to be stuck in the office to receive business calls. iTeleCenter has a lot of options you don’t need at first but you grow into them. Other places make you pay to add features and it gets costly. With iTeleCenter you get everything you will need at a lower overall price."
-- Vern Pelzer, co-owner of Jakel Media
"Implementing iTeleCenter in our business model enabled us to advertise one Toll Free number and forward incoming calls directly to our local business line in Tennessee. This means any U.S. or Canadian customer can contact us without incurring long distance charges. iTeleCenter also allows us to seamlessly transfer calls between departments without having to implement an expensive PBX system or install any equipment in our offices."
-- Cliff Lunsford, President and CEO of Green Life Outfitters
"iTeleCenter acts as an automatic lead generator. Interested buyers can drive by a home, call
to learn more, and the agent gets the lead. The system has helped increase the number of
prospects for my business."

-- Lisa Sim, Realtor, Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
"We've been working with iTeleCenter for years and HIGHLY recommend them to all our Friends and Clients. We use them for all our "free recorded messages" - their systems are infallible really and customer service is superb and the price is, in my opinion, way too low compared to the value they provide... iTeleCenter is really like an easy button for your business phone solutions."
-- Gina DeLong, Marketer, Piranha Marketing, Inc.
"iTeleCenter has made a huge difference in how we handle incoming calls and has saved us a great deal of time and energy, since it routes all calls to the proper person automatically enabling us to provide better customer service to our members. It has also saved us a lot of money, since our staff and founders are now able to be connected under one number, rather than having to each have their own line and number. iTeleCenter is an outstanding value and I don't know how our organization ever managed without it!"
-- GracAnne Keohouhou, Co-Founder & Partner in Charge of Member Relations, Direct Selling Women's Alliance

"The Direct Selling Women’s Alliance has had the pleasure to work with iTeleCenter for several years. We appreciate their technology as well as their prompt and courteous service."
-- Nicki Keohohou, Co-Founder, Direct Selling Women’s Alliance
"Since teaming up with iTeleCenter, the sales process has improved immensely. Our agents set up unique marketing extensions for their listings, ensuring prospective buyers can learn more about individual properties whenever they are ready. Additional extensions offering free audio reports also have proven effective at attracting potential buyers and sellers.

Before we started using iTeleCenter, calls were going through a central switchboard and were often misdirected so agents did not receive messages in a timely manner. Now messages and leads are instantly delivered to agents and this creates more opportunities for sales as most prospects will work with the first agent they connect with."
-- Irina Netchaev, Keller Williams Pasadena Realtors
"iTeleCenter put all of my communication needs into one place, at one low price. This has helped me stay organized through the years and I rarely have to update my contact information, as I have kept the same number for so long. My clients only need to know one number, my iTeleCenter number. With the multiple extensions, follow-me's, fax-on-demand, etc. all of my communications are in one central location. And I have complete control of the content and features 24/7. iTeleCenter has maintained its low-cost while increasing and always improving its services. The system takes care of itself, I do not have to think about it once it is set up. As a busy mom and business owner, I am rarely in the office. The Enhanced Call Forwarding feature allows me to be out of the office, but still connected with my clients or urgent calls. iTeleCenter offers the most professional services for the price..."
-- Vicky Horstman, Votech Rehab, LLC
"We are a Google certified company and we drive traffic to web sites for our clients. All of these sites have forms for prospects to fill out. We added the 800 numbers from iTeleCenter and the results have been amazing. With iTeleCenter we are able to see exactly how many calls came in, the time of day, and the number they called from, and even track the ROI on our PPC campaigns! The iTeleCenter number is one of the most important things we have added to our business."
-- Laura Betterly, Yada Yada Marketing, Inc.
"iTeleCenter is the most advanced voicemail and communications tool available on the market today. It has increased our advertising conversions and helped us more effectively manage our leads from advertising. iTeleCenter has enabled us to increase the number of leads gathered five-fold by capturing every caller's information. iTeleCenter is a great bargain when you consider that it is a fraction of the cost of a successful ad campaign. It increases conversion rates and makes us money because we can get a far greater return on our ad dollar."
-- Dr. Joseph Rubino, VIP, OxyFresh
"I actually use the iTeleCenter 800 number as my primary number for voicemail. I even have a recorded message on my main telephone line telling callers to call my iTeleCenter number if they want to leave me a message! This saves me tons of time and trouble, since I can pick up all my messages via email and do not have to listen to voicemail over the phone."
-- Dan Hollings, Internet Marketing Consultant and Strategist
"I'm a Mobile Professional and a consultant to Direct Sales organizations, so I travel a lot. iTeleCenter lets me stay in touch with my clients while I'm on the road. I especially like being able to access voicemail and send and receive faxes(Purchase of dedicated fax-only number required) from my PDA."
-- Rick Fleshman, Zlanipsa Marketing, Inc.
"iTeleCenter has allowed us to bring our virtual ad agency together. Even though our staff is located in different parts of Nevada and California, the multiple extensions bring us together quickly. The ultimate caller ID feature ensures we never miss a call. This feature allows us to run return on investment reports for all our advertising. In addition, we like the professional on-hold music for clients that are on hold. iTeleCenter saved our sales when we had to move our office. We did not have to worry about changing our numbers on business cards, letterhead and our website. This kept our clients confident in our service. We love the fax (Purchase of dedicated fax-only number required) service as it helps support going green. And the cost of iTeleCenter is literally free. We have referred several business clients and have not paid for iTeleCenter for months because of the "3 and It's Free" program."
-- Ed Garza, For Profit Agency
"We wanted to have a national presence and the ability to expand all over the US, yet maintain our professional image and quality customer service. With iTeleCenter we are able to do so by having one central phone service, but with the capability to expand in the future with all of our offices nationwide. iTeleCenter has simplified our operations. We are now able to maintain our professionalism and quality because we have direct control of our front office. Also as we have grown, we were able to make a smooth transition when we moved into a larger facility. Because of the virtual fax, the ability to accept multiple incoming faxes at once, we have been able to process more invoices per man hour. And one of the biggest benefits has been the ability to transfer an incoming call to any of our agents and executives whether they are in the office or out traveling on business. For all the features and capability we get, iTeleCenter is definitely worth it!"
-- Shawnn Covington, Complete Event Planning

TeleFriend is a rewards program for non-affiliates who refer others to iTeleCenter.

By referring three other customers who have an equal or better package than yourself, your own service is FREE!

That’s not three new customers every month – just three who subscribe and stay on the service.