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What is a local phone number?

A local number is just a phone number with an area code that's tied to a particular city, state, or region. US local phone numbers are a great way to establish a local presence in that area even If you do not have a physical presence there.

People usually favor local businesses over those with strange area codes, which can feel distant and impersonal. With iTeleCenter, you can buy as many local phone numbers as needed, in as many different localities as required.

Be where your customers are
Get local numbers in multiple locations
Get multiple local numbers to create a multi-city presence without the expense of a physical location. Establish a local presence in New York even If you're in Texas.
Sign up for as many US local numbers as you require.
Get multiple USA local numbers
Keep your personal number private
Keep your work and personal calls separate, even if you’re using the same phone.By separating your numbers, you'll easily recognize work-related calls on your personal device.
Add a business line to your cellphone
Create a local presence in any city
Customers are far more likely to reach out and answer your calls and text from an area code that they recognize. Connect better by using local business phone numbers.
Establish local presence
Never miss out on a potential customer
Can’t talk or in a meeting? Set up call transfer to your teammates or auto reply by text and never miss out on another sales opportunity.
Transfer calls when you are busy
Increase conversion rates
More and more people are buying local to support their communities, so having a US local phone number is one of the easiest ways to increase your conversion rates.
Increase sales
Switch to the modern business phone system
Elevate customer experience and stand out from your competitors by customizing your caller ID, voicemail greetings, and phone menus.
Moreover, you can effortlessly handle phone numbers, add or remove users, edit settings, and more, all from your online account.
Switch to iTeleCenter phone system
Start in minutes, not hours
Pick your number
Choose a local phone number from any area code in the US.
Select a plan
3 plans–choose one that works for you. Cancel anytime.
Download our apps
Download our Android and iOS apps or access through the web.
end call
Get going
Configure your settings and start calling and texting right away.
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Features built for businesses
Web + mobile apps
Business texting
Call forwarding
Phone extensions
Virtual receptionist
Conference calling
Phone menus
Call recording
Call transfer

People are talking

Love the fact that I can use my business number on my personal cell phone. No need for a separate work phone anymore.
Small business owner
For the price of a pizza, I have a dedicated business phone line on my smartphone where I can call, text, and collaborate with my customers and team on the go.
I'm on the field almost 24/7 and with their texting and auto reply text feature, my prospective buyers can quickly learn more about properties that are in the market.
KW Realty
With iTeleCenter, everything is in one place - phone, fax, SMS, conferencing. Adding lines with company growth was easy as well.
chris jackson
Dale Sorensen
It was extremely easy to setup a business line and get started. The best part - no more dropped calls and their support team was really helpful.
Complete Event Planning
Super fast and easy to get a 1-800 number and expand my business all over the US while sitting here in California.
Frequently asked questions

Our plans start at $19.95 per month per user and include one local or toll-free number.

If you wish to buy more phone numbers than users, you can easily add local VoIP phone numbers at $5 per month per number.

Our local phone number inventory is updated regularly. Use our search tool to check for the availability of local numbers in your region.

If you can’t find a local number through our website, call us – chances are, we can definitely help you choose a suitable number.

- Get a US local business phone number (or toll-free) by signing up on a VoIP platform like iTeleCenter.

- During the sign up, choose your city and area code you want your phone number to be based on.

- Download our web and mobile apps and configure your settings. After successful sign up, start making US-based business calls and texts.

In recent years, many consumers have started supporting local businesses.

Buying a US local custom phone number will allow you to advertise your company within the community, have a positive brand reputation and gain the trust of your consumers.

Absolutely. You can buy as many local US phone numbers as needed. You can register multiple numbers to give your brand a presence in different cities without the expense of physical locations.

No, you can buy USA local phone numbers in any area code regardless of your physical location.

Calls can be forwarded to your smartphone, or you can answer calls from your browser.

Build a local presence for your business today
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